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One Year Today

A year ago I asked a friend if it really does get better after a year. He assured me it would. I remember, as I so often do, wondering where I'd be once I hit the year mark post divorce. So today when I realized what day it was, I sent my little brother a text letting him know I had made it a year and he asked me how I felt. My response was this:

I feel like I made it. Like I survived when there were (and sometimes still are) days when I surely didn't think I would. I'm damn proud of myself because even though it's still messy, I've proven I'm much stronger than I ever realized.

My little brother told me that I needed to celebrate and I agree! I love finding reasons to celebrate, after all....even on the tough dates, like divorce anniversaries. I've been told all too often not to remember the bad let them go, but I like to remember them. Especially today. Because a year ago I had no idea where I'd be or who I'd be or if I could come out the other side of this. Today needs to be remembered and celebrated because I have made it through the other side, y'all!

I've survived first nights alone and first dates (more of those to come, UGH). I've begun to cut myself some slack allowing myself to stumble and literally fall on my face (seriously, that happened). I've learned that stepping outside of my comfort zone over and over and over again is always scary, but there's no better feeling than doing so. The last year has taught me what a lucky girl I am....not only because of who I've proven to myself to be, but because of the incredible support system of family and friends.

I've said before that we don't talk about the equally difficult and beautiful moments that happen during a divorce enough. I don't want to wallow, rather I wanted a to be open and real about this messy part of love and life. Had I not opened up, had I not shared, I wouldn't have gotten the support that literally lifted me up in some pretty dark moments. This last year was something I could not have gotten through alone. So, if you called or text or emailed or let me cry while holding me up, THANK YOU. 

I'm going to pop a little bubbly and thank my lucky stars for this last year and the awesome people that guided me through. Cheers, y'all! I made it!


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