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Showing posts from December, 2018


I'm always incredibly reflective this time of year.  I love being able to look back on each year to enjoy the things that made them wonderful and take lessons from the things that made them difficult. This year, quite frankly, felt like it had more difficult moments than wonderful. I know. I know. What a negative way to look at a year of growth, but it's true. 2018 was HARD.  It has been a year of stark contrast. I've experienced my highest, most incredible highs... Helen & Noah's Big Bike Adventure and Helen & Hank's Marine Corps Marathon . In between those high, amazing times, though, I saw my darkest days. I lost everything that gave me purpose. To the point where this world almost lost me. I was ready to give it all up because almost everything and everyone I loved and wrapped myself in was gone. Almost everything. Funny what seeing a photo of someone you love at just the right time will do to literally save you. One day, I'll tel


"2018 can go fuck itself."... I said after what felt at the time like devastating news: I will no longer be working with The Kyle Pease Foundation on an organizational level. The phone call caught me off guard and while they have their reasoning, it didn't make it hurt any less. The foundation is a not-for-profit business but it has (as many of you are fully aware of) been intensely personal for me.  3 years ago, I fell in love with this foundation at at time when my world had fallen apart. I had just filed for divorce, the job I was in was no longer working out and I was looking to move on, I was trying to figure out how I'd function in this big world all alone. Then KPF appeared and I was smitten. The mission, the people, the community. So I've spent these last years wrapped up completely in it. Helping it grow, while it helped me grow. It's been about the relationships. This year's theme has been about immense loss. The loss of companions, frien