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November 19th

There's apparently something about November 19th and changes in my life...

2 years ago: moving out of the ex's house
1 year ago: announcing that I was making the big move to beautiful Colorado
Today: planning my next big adventure!

After 2 years of major life changes and constant adjustment, I'm finally feeling like a settled human being. So, I've decided that 2018 is going to be the year I push myself physically and mentally. 2 half marathons are on the schedule along with the most exciting part: a multi day bike adventure with an assisted athlete here in Colorado in support of The Kyle Pease Foundation!! 

I've learned enough about myself that I will not agree to push myself hard physically for any length of time unless there is another person who is behind the WHY. Doing this in partnership with another athlete who necessarily wouldn't be able to otherwise, is enough to get my ass off my couch and get it done!

Details are still being worked out, but this is going to be a "solo" venture. "Solo" in that I'm not tagging along a sanctioned ride. The rest of it won't be solo....and hasn't been already. I will have my athlete along for the adventure along with a support crew because something like this would be very difficult to do solely alone. It takes a tribe of people, y'all.

Ask me to plan logistics for a half marathon with over 150 in chair athletes, pushers and volunteers and I've got it on LOCK. This, however, is new and different and that's part of what makes it so exciting! It has already proven to be a (FUN) challenge logistically and it will be a (probably less fun) challenge physically. 

This week, a coach was hired. Power meter for my bike ordered. Route, duration and location figured out. There is still a lot of work to be done. However, I have a pretty awesome support network of people who are genuinely excited to help me figure out how to get this done and that is half the battle!

I'm so excited and very nervous, but this feels right. Like a logical next step in this little life journey I'm on.

I'm coming for you, 2018....stay tuned!


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