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Grenada - Trip in Review

We had a fabulous time in Grenada! How can you not, though? The weather was great even though they had just started their rainy season, the island was beautiful and rich in history and the people were absolutely lovely. This was a trip that didn't necessarily meet our expectations (we wanted LOTS of beach), but it also gave us some pleasant surprises. I've learned that being flexible on vacation can lead to some great things!

Grenada isn't a big country and there's literally one U.S. flight that arrives to the island per day so we started and ended our trip with 7+ hour layovers in the beautiful Miami Airport. *thank GOD for the admirals club!* We had a great, relaxing first few days where we lounged by the pool and drank and ate all we wanted! Gotta love an all inclusive.

On day 4, the air conditioner in our room went kaput and we were upgraded to the most amazing room we've ever stayed in!! Fourth floor with a separate bedroom and infinity pool on the balcony!! While Sandals always has nice rooms, we like spending the majority of our time out and about and on the resort, however, THIS Sandals stepped up their guest rooms and we found ourselves just wanting to stay in.  

Infinity pool bliss!

The view from our bedroom!

The only excursion we had planned outside of the resort was a day long sail boat tour. We did this on our honeymoon and fell in love, so it was booked weeks in advance of our trip. It did not disappoint! We spent the day with Captain Al and his first mate, Kenny. They were so fun and it was nice to watch how well the worked together. We sat and enjoyed the most beautiful day we had on the island while sailing between the Caribbean and Atlantic. It was a perfect day for sailing and it was nice to see J in a state of euphoria on this gorgeous catamaran. We had a quick lunch stop to swim and have a delicious BBQ lunch then took off heading North so that we could snorkel around the under water sculpture garden. We didn't want to leave and, as always, dreamed of learning to sail so we could travel the world. We may settle for a several day trip on a sail boat in the future, but that's all to be determined!

Rum punch!!

Our days were spent lounging by the pool or beach and our nights were spent enjoying really yummy food and the night life on the resort. We met an English couple at the pool bar one evening and once we got to talking, they told us about a bus tour that we HAD to take before we left. It had come recommended from friends of theirs, they loved it and recommended it to us. A couple of days later, we were picked up at 9a for a day long tour of Grenada. It was just the 2 of us and our guide, AJ for 8 hours and it was one of the biggest highlights of the trip! We got a full history of Grenada, learned of all the local plants, got to see the rain forest, nutmeg factory, rum distillery, waterfall, crater lake and even enjoyed a special, local lunch because we requested it. It was so educational and a great way to see the island. We learned quickly how dynamic this little island with 100,000 residents was and how breathtakingly beautiful it is! I reviewed it on Trip Advisor if you're interested. 

The trip was amazing. After a very long last several months, it was nice to escape and hit "reset". No cell phones, no internet, just the 2 of us together exploring a new world. We are so lucky to be able to take these trips. It's our hobby and our love to travel. Our daily lives are spent working toward our next big adventure and it's something that we really treasure. 

Grenada didn't disappoint and we're already looking forward to the next big trip!!


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