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It's New Year's Eve.

I always find myself a little emotional (shocking) and a lot reflective when it's time to say goodbye to one year and welcome in a new one. This year, like last, though, there is a profound feeling of excitement.


Goodbye to Georgia. Hello to #coloRADo. Snow. Tears. COLD. New job. Celebrating having Brucey for 1 year. ADJUSTMENT.

Intro to hiking. Brewery visits. Cristy visits from Georgia! Fat biking. Snow shoeing. Pam visits from Alabama! My attempt to date again..

The Publix Half Marathon (marathon #2) with #TEAMNOAH. Visits with my Georgia family...lots of hugs. So much more snow (and stuck cars)

Snow. AGAIN. Chase visits from Georgia! Moved into my first, big girl apartment. Meet the Malloys and become fast friends. Sarah and Mike visit from California! First trip to Boston. The best visit with Uncle Paul and Aunt Irena.

Starting to feel settled into my job. Summer! Hikes! Beer. Then SNOW!(?) New bike. More hiking.

Brent and Kyle take on Ironman Boulder. Visits from them and a whole slew of Georgia friends! New motivation to get outside. Trip back to Georgia. More hugs with Georgia friends!

Hiking and biking. Lots of it. 

My first big event at Big Ring - Women's Ride Day. More hiking. More biking. Meeting the Cannondale-Drapac Race Team. Colorado Cycling Classic VIP tickets. Loretta visits from Georgia! Mt. Bierstadt - my first 14er. Solar eclipse.

A visit to Rocky Mountain National Park. More riding. Networking. Interbike and Vegas. Catching up with old friends and colleagues. Colorado leaf "peeping". A hike up a 12er.

Cristy visits from Georgia! Women's tech clinics and lady power at Big Ring. Justin comes to visit from Georgia! Closure. Brent comes to visit from Georgia! An idea is born. Marine Corps Marathon in DC. GURU bike fit training. Intro to the Colorado Cyclocross scene. Costumes.

Interviewed by Cannondale. Hiking. Biking. Training starts. Friendsgiving. Thanksgiving. Sunsets! Planning 2018's adventures.

Warm days. Rides outside. Celebrating. Kevin visits from Georgia! A 5K PR. 34. Christmas. Reconnecting just a bit with my dad. Become an official Colorado resident.

2016 and 2017 were about change and adaptation. 2018 will be about GROWTH. 

Bring it!

Happy New Year, y'all.


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